********************************************* * INITIALIZATION IN PROGRESS...PLEASE, WAIT * ********************************************* Gui server listening... 5103 INFO Connected to control process on localhost:2398. 6102 INFO ProductList.ref has been loaded 7002 INFO Command file "start.art" opened at 47292888. 7002 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\pathloss.art" opened at 47292888. 7000 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\pathloss.art" completed at 47292888. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\equipment.art" opened at 47292888. 3001 INFO Loaded equipment control library for Litepoint IQV from D:\²âÊÔ\9558\art2_ver_4_9_854\bin\litepoint.DLL. 3009 INFO Found power meter Litepoint. 3011 INFO Found spectrum analyzer Litepoint. 3009 INFO Found power meter Litepoint. 3001 INFO Loaded equipment control library for Agilent 11713A from D:\²âÊÔ\9558\art2_ver_4_9_854\bin\11713a.DLL. 3010 INFO Found attenuator Agilent 11713A for chain 0. 3010 INFO Found attenuator Agilent 11713A for chain 1. 3010 INFO Found attenuator Agilent 11713A for chain 2. 7000 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\equipment.art" completed at 47300782. Elapsed time was 7894 ms. 7002 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\directories.art" opened at 47300782. 7000 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\directories.art" completed at 47300782. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file "setup_artgui.art" opened at 47300782. 7000 INFO Command file "setup_artgui.art" completed at 47300782. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7000 INFO Command file "start.art" completed at 47300782. Elapsed time was 7894 ms. 7172 INFO Initialization complete. Waiting for commands. ****************************************** * INITIALIZATION DONE...PLEASE, CONTINUE * ****************************************** 7170 INFO CartVersion: 4.9;CartBuildDate: 4527092; CartBuildTime: 4527100 Parsing .\..\command\refDesigns\AP135-010\properties.txt 5000 INFO Trying to connect to nart[0] on 5001 INFO Connected to nart[0] on Parsing .\..\command\refDesigns\AP135-010\properties.txt [0] 5109 INFO Accepted control connection from client 0. 7300 INFO Command in progress. Try "pause", "continue", or "stop". "load" command queued for later processing. 7300 INFO Command in progress. Try "pause", "continue", or "stop". "get" command queued for later processing. 7300 INFO Command in progress. Try "pause", "continue", or "stop". "help" command queued for later processing. [0] 6606 INFO Link control functions loaded for "Link" from "//liblinkAr9k.so". loaded DLL Ar9300 successfully for instance 0 !!! [0] 6011 INFO Calibration information read from flash. [0] 6024 INFO Free memory for initialization and calibration is 991 (1023 - 32) bytes. [0] 6000 INFO Loaded card. 6100 INFO |reference|0xa135|AP135-010|AP135-010|0x0244| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa135|AP135-020|AP135-020|0x0244| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa137|AP135-110|AP135-110|0x0252| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa137|AP135-120|AP135-120|0x0252| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa139|AP135-620|AP135-620|0x0273| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa140|AP135-720|AP135-720|0x0274| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa143|AP143-010|AP143-010|0x0275| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa143|AP143-020|AP143-020|0x0275| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-010|CUS223-010|0x0246| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-020|CUS223-020|0x0246| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-120|CUS223-120|0x0255| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-320|CUS223-320|0x0295| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-420|CUS223-420|0x0294| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-520|CUS223-520|0x0286| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-820|CUS223-820|0x0291| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-620|CUS223-620|0x0271| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-720|CUS223-720|0x0270| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3223|CUS223-920|CUS223-920|0x0293| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa120|DB120-030|DB120-030|0x0222| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa120|DB120-640|DB120-640|0x0236| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa120|DB120-730|DB120-730|0x0233| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa120|DB120-840|DB120-840|0x0234| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa120|DB120-940|DB120-940|0x0235| 6100 INFO |reference|0x30a4|HB97-150|HB97-150|0x0152| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3112|XB112-035|XB112-035|0x0200| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3123|XB116-710|XB116-710|0x0230| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3228|XB140-010|XB140-010|0x0278| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3228|XB140-020|XB140-020|0x0278| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3228|XB140-710|XB140-710|0x0278| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3141|XB141-011|XB141-011|0x0253| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|CUS249-010|CUS249-010|0x0285| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|CUS249-110|CUS249-110|0x0285| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|CUS249-210|CUS249-210|0x0285| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|CUS249-310|CUS249-310|0x0285| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP151-010|AP151-010|0x0289| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP151-020|AP151-020|0x0289| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP151-030|AP151-030|0x0289| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP151-130|AP151-130|0x0289| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP151-230|AP151-230|0x0289| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP152-010|AP152-010|0x0290| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP152-020|AP152-020|0x0290| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP152-030|AP152-030|0x0290| 6100 INFO |reference|0xa152|AP152-031|AP152-031|0x0290| 6100 INFO |reference|0x3261|CUS261-010|CUS261-010|0x0292| 6101 INFO Last reference design **************************************** ********** CALIBRATION BEGINS ********** **************************************** 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_flow.art" opened at 47309034. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\common\art2banner.art" opened at 47309034. 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ################################################################################################# 4003 INFO 4003 INFO AAA RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 222222222222222 4003 INFO A:::A R::::::::::::::::R T:::::::::::::::::::::T 2:::::::::::::::22 4003 INFO A:::::A R::::::RRRRRR:::::R T:::::::::::::::::::::T 2::::::222222:::::2 4003 INFO A:::::::A RR:::::R R:::::RT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T 2222222 2:::::2 4003 INFO A:::::::::A R::::R R:::::RTTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTT 2:::::2 4003 INFO A:::::A:::::A R::::R R:::::R T:::::T 2:::::2 4003 INFO A:::::A A:::::A R::::RRRRRR:::::R T:::::T 2222::::2 4003 INFO A:::::A A:::::A R:::::::::::::RR T:::::T 22222::::::22 4003 INFO A:::::A A:::::A R::::RRRRRR:::::R T:::::T 2:::::22222 4003 INFO A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A R::::R R:::::R T:::::T 2:::::2 4003 INFO A:::::::::::::::::::::A R::::R R:::::R T:::::T 2:::::2 222222 4003 INFO A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A R::::R R:::::R T:::::T 2:::::2 2::::2 4003 INFO A:::::A A:::::A RR:::::R R:::::R TT:::::::TT 2::::::2222222:::::2 4003 INFO A:::::A A:::::A R::::::R R:::::R T:::::::::T 2::::::::::::::::::2 4003 INFO A:::::A A:::::A R::::::R R:::::R T:::::::::T 2::::::::::::::::::2 4003 INFO AAAAAAA AAAAAAARRRRRRRR RRRRRRR TTTTTTTTTTT 22222222222222222222 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ################################################################################################# 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\common\art2banner.art" completed at 47309066. Elapsed time was 32 ms. 7002 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\ref_devices.art" opened at 47309066. 7000 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\ref_devices.art" completed at 47309066. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 4003 INFO 4003 INFO Reference Device info as loaded from: c:\ART2\station_files\ref_devices.art 4003 INFO Radios : 1 4003 INFO Radio 1: AP135-010 4003 INFO Radio 2: 0 4003 INFO Radio 3: 0 4003 INFO Radio 4: 0 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ###########################LOADING DEVICES################################### 7002 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\conn_load.art" opened at 47309081. 7000 INFO Command file "c:\ART2\station_files\conn_load.art" completed at 47309081. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 4003 INFO ###########################LOADING COMPLETE################################### 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO Please enter the serial number for the DUT: 4003 INFO AP135-010 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 7203 INFO Please supply a value for variable "serialNum": 7205 INFO Thank you for supplying the value "0" for variable serialNum. 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ## ## ### #### ######## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ######### ## ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ### ### ## ## #### ## 4003 INFO 4003 INFO TESTING IN PROGRESS 4003 INFO 4003 INFO Testing device number 1 of 1 4003 INFO Instance: 0 4003 INFO Device Type: AP135-010 4003 INFO Serial Number: 0 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\ref_file.art" opened at 47311094. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\ref_file.art" completed at 47311296. Elapsed time was 202 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\ctl_table.art" opened at 47311296. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\ctl_table.art" completed at 47311328. Elapsed time was 32 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\trg_pwr.art" opened at 47311328. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\trg_pwr.art" completed at 47311343. Elapsed time was 15 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\cal_scheme.art" opened at 47311343. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\cal_scheme.art" completed at 47311343. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\alpha_therm.art" opened at 47311343. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\alpha_therm.art" completed at 47311343. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\setup_overwrite.art" opened at 47311343. 7200 INFO refdesign = AP135-010 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\\refdesigns\AP135-010\setup_overwrite.art" completed at 47311359. Elapsed time was 16 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\test_flow-inst.art" opened at 47311374. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\test_init.art" opened at 47311374. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\test_init.art" completed at 47311390. Elapsed time was 16 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\test_flow_flags.art" opened at 47311390. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\test_flow_flags_tx.art" opened at 47311390. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\test_flow_flags_tx.art" completed at 47311406. Elapsed time was 16 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\test_flow_flags_rx.art" opened at 47311406. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\test_flow_flags_rx.art" completed at 47311421. Elapsed time was 15 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\artGui_test_flow_flags.art" opened at 47311421. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\artGui_test_flow_flags.art" completed at 47311421. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\test_flow_flags.art" completed at 47311421. Elapsed time was 31 ms. 7200 INFO refdesign = AP135-010 7200 INFO ref_filename = AP135-010 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\refDesigns\AP135-010\setup_overwrite.art" opened at 47311437. 7200 INFO refdesign = AP135-010 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\refDesigns\AP135-010\setup_overwrite.art" completed at 47311437. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 4047 INFO |SetCal|scheme|0| 4047 INFO |SetCal|CalibrationAttempt|5| 4047 INFO |SetCal|PowerGoalMode|0| 4047 INFO |SetCal|2gFreq|2412,2437,2462| 4047 INFO |SetCal|5gFreq|5180,5240,5260,5320,5500,5700,5745,5805| [0] 6024 INFO Free memory for initialization and calibration is 991 (1023 - 32) bytes. [0] 6000 INFO Loaded card. 4003 INFO load 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\testBand.art" opened at 47311686. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\testBand.art" completed at 47311686. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\setup_rx_2g.art" opened at 47311811. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\setup_rx_2g.art" completed at 47311811. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\setup_rx_5g.art" opened at 47311811. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\setup_rx_5g.art" completed at 47311827. Elapsed time was 16 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\limit_rx.art" opened at 47311827. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_setup\engineering\limit_rx.art" completed at 47311842. Elapsed time was 15 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxInit.art" opened at 47311842. 7200 INFO rxChains = 3 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxInit.art" completed at 47311842. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\refDesigns\AP135-010\setup_overwrite.art" opened at 47311842. 7200 INFO refdesign = AP135-010 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\refDesigns\AP135-010\setup_overwrite.art" completed at 47311842. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxTest.art" opened at 47311842. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\Calibration-rx-2g.art" opened at 47311842. [0] 6017 WARNING Bad noise floor value: (-110,-464) (-103,-507) (-399,-490). 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=1 of 32, word="2412" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=4 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=5 of 32, word="3" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=6 of 32, word="30" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=8 of 32, word="1000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=9 of 32, word="100" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=10 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=12 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=13 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=14 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=15 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=16 of 32, word="0.000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=24 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=25 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=26 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=27 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=28 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=29 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=30 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=31 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=1 of 32, word="2412" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=4 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=5 of 32, word="3" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=6 of 32, word="30" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=8 of 32, word="1000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=9 of 32, word="100" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=10 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=12 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=13 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=14 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=15 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=16 of 32, word="0.000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=24 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=25 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=26 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=27 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=28 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=29 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=30 of 32, word="2" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=31 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=1 of 32, word="2437" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=4 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=5 of 32, word="3" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=6 of 32, word="30" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=8 of 32, word="1000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=9 of 32, word="100" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=10 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=12 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=13 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=14 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=15 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=16 of 32, word="0.000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=24 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=25 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=26 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=27 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=28 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=29 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=30 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=31 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=1 of 32, word="2437" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=4 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=5 of 32, word="3" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=6 of 32, word="30" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=8 of 32, word="1000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=9 of 32, word="100" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=10 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=12 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=13 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=14 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=15 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=16 of 32, word="0.000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=24 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=25 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=26 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=27 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=28 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=29 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=30 of 32, word="2" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=31 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=1 of 32, word="2462" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=4 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=5 of 32, word="3" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=6 of 32, word="30" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=8 of 32, word="1000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=9 of 32, word="100" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=10 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=12 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=13 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=14 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=15 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=16 of 32, word="0.000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=24 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=25 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=26 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=27 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=28 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=29 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=30 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=31 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=1 of 32, word="2462" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=4 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=5 of 32, word="3" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=6 of 32, word="30" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=8 of 32, word="1000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=9 of 32, word="100" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=10 of 32, word="1" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=12 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=13 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=14 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=15 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=16 of 32, word="0.000" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=24 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=25 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=26 of 32, word="0.0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=27 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=28 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=29 of 32, word="0" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=30 of 32, word="2" 4043 WARNING Misparsed data header column=31 of 32, word="0" 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\Calibration-rx-2g.art" completed at 47323371. Elapsed time was 11529 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxTest_2g.art" opened at 47323371. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\Rate\Rate_Point_2g.art" opened at 47323371. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\Rate\Rate_Point_2g.art" completed at 47323386. Elapsed time was 15 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxSensPoint_VSG_2gHT20.art" opened at 47323402. 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 8%PSR 8%delta 8%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 5L 1 0.0 -92.0 fail -76.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 8%PSR 8%delta 8%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 5L 2 50.0 -42.0 fail -76.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 8%PSR 8%delta 8%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 5L 4 50.0 -42.0 fail -76.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 54 1 100.0 10.0 . -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 54 2 93.0 3.0 . -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 54 4 0.0 -90.0 fail -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 t7 1 97.0 7.0 . -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 t7 2 47.0 -43.0 fail -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 t7 4 0.0 -90.0 fail -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2412 t7 7 100.0 10.0 . -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2437 t7 7 100.0 10.0 . -65.0 4002 INFO ******************* * 2GHZ SENS Point * ******************* 4049 INFO frequency rate rxchain 10%PSR 10%delta 10%limit issPoint 4003 INFO 2462 t7 7 83.0 -7.0 fail -65.0 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxSensPoint_VSG_2gHT20.art" completed at 47329065. Elapsed time was 5663 ms. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxTest_2g.art" completed at 47329080. Elapsed time was 5709 ms. 4003 INFO FT test Done! 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_rx\RxTest.art" completed at 47329080. Elapsed time was 17238 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\summary\summary.art" opened at 47329080. 4003 INFO 4003 INFO dut: 5.0 140505203000 00:03:7f:00:01:29 4003 INFO cart: 4.9 120314130000 4003 INFO 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\summary\summary_ft_2g.art" opened at 47329096. 4003 INFO 2GHz FT TEST SUMMARY 4003 INFO ================================================================== 4003 INFO Fail# 4003 INFO 2GHz HT20 Sensitivity Point: 7 4003 INFO ================================================================== 4003 INFO 2GHz Total: 7 4003 INFO ================================================================== 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\summary\summary_ft_2g.art" completed at 47329112. Elapsed time was 16 ms. 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ================================================================== 4003 INFO Total: 7 4003 INFO ================================================================== 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\summary\summary.art" completed at 47329112. Elapsed time was 32 ms. 7002 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\calibrationMemory\write_calibration_data_flow.art" opened at 47329112. 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\calibrationMemory\write_calibration_data_flow.art" completed at 47329112. Elapsed time was 0 ms. 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ######## ### #### ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ###### ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ## ######### ## ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## ## ## 4003 INFO ## ## ## #### ######## 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 4003 INFO FAIL 4003 INFO Done Test! 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\common\test_flow-inst.art" completed at 47329283. Elapsed time was 17909 ms. 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 4003 INFO 4003 INFO Disconnecting Radio 4003 INFO Instance 0 4003 INFO Device Number 1 of 1 4003 INFO 5007 ERROR Closed connection to nart[0]. 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 4003 INFO TEST COMPLETE 4003 INFO 4003 INFO You may now remove the board 4003 INFO 1+[ENTER] to continue to next board 4003 INFO 0+[ENTER] to quit 4003 INFO 7203 INFO Please supply a value for variable "Your_Response": 7205 INFO Thank you for supplying the value "0" for variable Your_Response. 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 4003 INFO 4003 INFO 0 boards passed out of 1 processed. 4003 INFO 0 radios passed out of 1 processed. 4003 INFO 1 radios passed Power Accuracy. 4003 INFO 1 radios passed EVM. 4003 INFO 0 radios passed Rx. 4003 INFO 4003 INFO EXITING 4003 INFO GoodBye 4003 INFO 4003 INFO ############################################################################# 7000 INFO Command file ".\..\command\test_flow.art" **************************************************** ********** CALIBRATION DONE (33447 msecs) ********** ****************************************************