The Dragino TC01/TC11-LB is a LoRaWAN Thermocouple Converter for Internet of Things solution. It is used to measure the industrial environment temperature , and then upload to IoT server via LoRaWAN network.
The TC11-LB used in K-Type thermocouple can measure -50°C ~ 200°C. TC01-LB is with 2 open wire so user can connect a 3rd party K, J, N, R,S T, E, or B type thermocouple.
TC01/TC11-LB supports temperature alarm feature, user can set temperature alarm for instant notice. TC01/TC11-LB supports Datalog feature,It will record the data when there is no network coverage and users can retrieve the sensor value later to ensure no miss for every sensor reading.
TC01/TC11-LB supports BLE configure and wireless OTA update which make user easy to use.
TC01/TC11-LB is powered by 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery , it is designed for long-term use up to several years.
Each TC01/TC11-LB is pre-load with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registrations, register these keys to local LoRaWAN server and it will auto connect after power on.